Nov 27, 2009
Nov 24, 2009
Hahaha, guess what! I'm hot heartbroken anymore. Lolz, I'm such a springer I would say. One moment I'm down and low, the next, BOING! I bounced right back up into the top of the game.
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
Nov 18, 2009
Before You
Nov 16, 2009
Escape Door
Do you ever feel like everything is just so wrong? Like it was never meant to be? I've felt like that! && I've been feeling like this for a very long time. Somehow, its like my life is way out of place.
I just realized that there will never be a "Happily Ever After" for me. I've killed that hope many years ago. In fact I don't even think I believe in Love. Like I said, I DON'T BELIEVE IN FAIRYTALES && Love is a fairytale. Happy endings and Virginie are just not meant to be. It just doesn't click. That I have finally concluded. So yeaaa, I just got my heart wounded. Yes! Wounded, not broken. Because it's already shattered from the very beginning. Yet the beating pieces are still made of flesh and blood. It was my mistake. My mistake again. I kept telling myself not to care. Not to care, but I did. I know I said that I didn't want a relationship or anything. In fact, I know I always said I was not ready. And that's the truth. I was never ready. I wasn't at all ready when you chose to JUMP AT ME with the idea that you liked me and that you wanted something. I told you I wasn't ready. I told you I don't want a relationship. Yet you were persistant. You never gave up after the many times I asked you to. You kept asking me to consider. You kept asking if there was a chance. FUCK YOU FOR THAT! What's the whole point?! So now you've just decided to back out. To walk out just like that? What's the whole bloody point?! Why did you have to tell me you liked me from the very beginning? Did you even know how hard it was for me? Do you know how much effort I've actually put just to act normal? Whenever I see you, I've always felt like running away. I didn't want to send out the wrong message. Everytime I saw you, I feel really uncomfortable. I wanted to run and to hide. But I know that it is going to hurt you. WHY DID I EVEN CARE?! I shouldn't have cared. I shouldn't have let myself worry about how you were going to feel because it seems to me that you don't really care about how I would feel. I told you from the start. The very first day we spent together, I said "I would never want to be invovled with someone from the same class or college". Now tell me, where am I going to hide this face of mine? I am going to constantly have to see you in college. To bump into you. Where else can I run to? Where can I hide? What happens to me now? What happens to MY EGO?? MY DIGNITY?? Where am I ever going to put that? Yeaa, I know. It's not your problem. It's okay, I understand. It's MY problem, I'll deal with it MYSELF!
That was LOVE & now's friendship. Friends are everywhere, but true friends? I don't even know if I have any. For what's worth, I walk this world alone. I came alone, I'll leave alone. I can't trust anyone anymore. They'll just turn around && BANG you straight up. So yea.
&& lastly, HEALTH! Somehow, my body is trying to tell me a message. I don't know what it means and yes it is scary. But I've always felt. I've always known that I will never live long. What makes me think so? Well, for starters, my GUT FEELINGS. They're like feeling like this for almost 2 years now. Secondly, how my body is showing me signals and signs. Tell me how is it possible for my old sickness to start coming back. To haunt me as I sleep. Yes, I have flams that blocks my trachea and my nose && Yes, I have breathing difficulties at night when I sleep. && How I am just so vulnerable these few days. My immunity is gone. I'm easily attacked by flus. And now, I'm suspected with Colon Cancer. TAA-DAA!!
Somehow I just wish that somehow, somewhere, there is a door. An exit door for me to step right out of all these mess. I wish that I could just escape for even the slightest moment. To take a breath and actually breathe. To be able to run far far away. Someplace no one will ever know. Someplace for me to hide and never come out. If only I could, I swear, I would!
I just realized that there will never be a "Happily Ever After" for me. I've killed that hope many years ago. In fact I don't even think I believe in Love. Like I said, I DON'T BELIEVE IN FAIRYTALES && Love is a fairytale. Happy endings and Virginie are just not meant to be. It just doesn't click. That I have finally concluded. So yeaaa, I just got my heart wounded. Yes! Wounded, not broken. Because it's already shattered from the very beginning. Yet the beating pieces are still made of flesh and blood. It was my mistake. My mistake again. I kept telling myself not to care. Not to care, but I did. I know I said that I didn't want a relationship or anything. In fact, I know I always said I was not ready. And that's the truth. I was never ready. I wasn't at all ready when you chose to JUMP AT ME with the idea that you liked me and that you wanted something. I told you I wasn't ready. I told you I don't want a relationship. Yet you were persistant. You never gave up after the many times I asked you to. You kept asking me to consider. You kept asking if there was a chance. FUCK YOU FOR THAT! What's the whole point?! So now you've just decided to back out. To walk out just like that? What's the whole bloody point?! Why did you have to tell me you liked me from the very beginning? Did you even know how hard it was for me? Do you know how much effort I've actually put just to act normal? Whenever I see you, I've always felt like running away. I didn't want to send out the wrong message. Everytime I saw you, I feel really uncomfortable. I wanted to run and to hide. But I know that it is going to hurt you. WHY DID I EVEN CARE?! I shouldn't have cared. I shouldn't have let myself worry about how you were going to feel because it seems to me that you don't really care about how I would feel. I told you from the start. The very first day we spent together, I said "I would never want to be invovled with someone from the same class or college". Now tell me, where am I going to hide this face of mine? I am going to constantly have to see you in college. To bump into you. Where else can I run to? Where can I hide? What happens to me now? What happens to MY EGO?? MY DIGNITY?? Where am I ever going to put that? Yeaa, I know. It's not your problem. It's okay, I understand. It's MY problem, I'll deal with it MYSELF!
That was LOVE & now's friendship. Friends are everywhere, but true friends? I don't even know if I have any. For what's worth, I walk this world alone. I came alone, I'll leave alone. I can't trust anyone anymore. They'll just turn around && BANG you straight up. So yea.
&& lastly, HEALTH! Somehow, my body is trying to tell me a message. I don't know what it means and yes it is scary. But I've always felt. I've always known that I will never live long. What makes me think so? Well, for starters, my GUT FEELINGS. They're like feeling like this for almost 2 years now. Secondly, how my body is showing me signals and signs. Tell me how is it possible for my old sickness to start coming back. To haunt me as I sleep. Yes, I have flams that blocks my trachea and my nose && Yes, I have breathing difficulties at night when I sleep. && How I am just so vulnerable these few days. My immunity is gone. I'm easily attacked by flus. And now, I'm suspected with Colon Cancer. TAA-DAA!!
Somehow I just wish that somehow, somewhere, there is a door. An exit door for me to step right out of all these mess. I wish that I could just escape for even the slightest moment. To take a breath and actually breathe. To be able to run far far away. Someplace no one will ever know. Someplace for me to hide and never come out. If only I could, I swear, I would!
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
Nov 11, 2009
New Hairdo (:
It's the short hair season, && I actually DO FEEL like chopping off my hair. Mhm, But i just dyed it so I don't know if I should. I'm still like debating with myself. I find the hairstyle I want really in and cool. But HOW NOW?!?!
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
Nov 10, 2009
IACT Parts <3
Introducing the new hippiest club in the whole of IACT, The IACT Parts. Parts stands for Performing arts (: Anyways, our college just started this new club and already there's many commited members. In this, we have four catagories which is the Dance, Theater, Vocals and Instrumental. I am currently in the Dance segment but as the soft launch is nearing us, I am holding a little extra positions with ness as the food fair inchargers :P We have awesome menus and food to me made for selling on the day itself. && Many of our good friend have dedicated themself to helping us out with this fun event. I can't wait for the soft launch yet again of course, that may be the very day I get my head chopped of my a very important someone that I adore in college. Oh well, the risk I'm willing to take (:
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
Creactive (:
Hollaaa!! I was accepted into the Creactive club in college. Creactive is literally an advertising agency which is runned by the students of IACT and supervised by several advisors. It's really cool as you get to try and get experience in that area of the field. There's four department in Creactive which is the Accounting department, the Creative department (thats where I am), the Multimedia department and one more la. ahhaha, It's really cool la. I have been assigned to a few jobs already which is the Ed-excel job, the Creactive wall, the new logos, the organization chart and my very own member's profile. Oh my, It's really reallt time consuming okayyy! I haven't been getting enough sleep lately and YES I do look like I got punched by some supernatural force. My eyebags are humongously huge, deep and dark. So much for looking good these few days.
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
AAR Concert (:
On the 31th October, 2 days after my birthday, I've gotten an awesome gift from my lovely Izzy ♥ Love you much dudieee. He got me tickets to the AAR concert held in Bukit Jalil. Although it's free, I'm happy that he's willing to go through the trouble to get em' for me. Well the line was really long. We lined up from 4 in the afternoon and we actually got in at 8.30 plus. I've bumped into many people there. There's Carleen, Pri's sister, Joshua, Ashtin, Anthony, Munnie, Inessa, Jared, Roy & Colin, John & the girlfriend, Feline, some of my juniors in highschool, SAB-ian. Lol, banyak lah! It was fully packed. We got lucky to be standing at the front left of the stage but idiotic short people are like trying to squeeze and push to the extend that I wanted to scream at them!! If you're short, don't even think about coming to a concert Byotch!! Pfft, I'm still angry! Anyhow, I just kept quiet to not spoil the concert mood. Yet AAR took too long so we moved to the back for extra oxygen and to sit. Guess what?! When we reached the toilet cubicle, out came AAR!! hahahaha. Oh well. What can I say? I still had a great time. Thanks Izzy!!
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
Birthday Celeb
Well, It's like 2 weeks from my birthday but heck. On the 29th itself, I have plenty of beautiful girls and one handsome gentleman dine with me at Marcos. Well, the plan was kind of last minute but anyways it's still a nice one. There was Li Xian & her Fritz, Esty, Carleen, Priyanka, Vanessa, Hani, Crystal, Ee Zhen, and my baby girl, ISHNEE ♥
Vanesse and Priyanka had to go home before they could even order so that was slightly sad but I'm still glad I have them in my life. I asked Ian to join me but that pretty dude picked some dead man (michael jackson) over a very much alive Virginie. I know la, he's a legend but still? I'm a rising one you know!! :P ahhaha, just joking loves. Well, I didnt get many presents but I'm happy enough cause who needs presents when you have such great friend?
Talking bout presents, I got this lovely bejewelled box where I can keep little cute things in it from Ness and Shayne. Thank you babies. I also got this awesome purple lipstick from ness. Hahha, she got me addicted to the weird colours a lipstick and have. I'm getting a nice daihatsu car from "baba". Till now it's not in my posession yet. I blame you mum :P lol-.-" But the best present of all is my baby Ishnee is officially my girlfriend (: haahahaha, Love ya girlie.
Vanesse and Priyanka had to go home before they could even order so that was slightly sad but I'm still glad I have them in my life. I asked Ian to join me but that pretty dude picked some dead man (michael jackson) over a very much alive Virginie. I know la, he's a legend but still? I'm a rising one you know!! :P ahhaha, just joking loves. Well, I didnt get many presents but I'm happy enough cause who needs presents when you have such great friend?
Talking bout presents, I got this lovely bejewelled box where I can keep little cute things in it from Ness and Shayne. Thank you babies. I also got this awesome purple lipstick from ness. Hahha, she got me addicted to the weird colours a lipstick and have. I'm getting a nice daihatsu car from "baba". Till now it's not in my posession yet. I blame you mum :P lol-.-" But the best present of all is my baby Ishnee is officially my girlfriend (: haahahaha, Love ya girlie.
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
Post Plague
Okay, just as I promised that I'll blog about things that have happened, this is the beginning of my plague. Haha, so yeaa. Bear with me child (;
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
Yes, people. The big "P". That was who I used to be, but not anymore. I'm doing my things as fast as I am able to && I currently have the help of my to-do-list which I keep in a notepad which I bring everywhere with. It's really good for organizing. Lets me not be toooo KELAM KABUT. I just wish I'd get that awesome journal/organizer I want (: Damn that's gonna be a real good 75 bucks but I bet it's worth it. Off to bed now. Update tomorrow morning or afternoon if I wake up late. Promise.
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
Nov 7, 2009
Dear Blog,
I'm too sleepy to update today. I SWEAR & PROMISE!! That by tomorrow, new post will be up. I love you Bloggieee ♥ ♥
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
Nov 1, 2009
CSI - New York
The series is awesome, but wait till you lay hands upon the GAME!! OMG, I'm addicted to it, I solved all 5 crimes in just one day (: The illustrations is so nice and pretty, I fell in love with the characters for the suspects. LOOKY LOOK!
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
No one, && I mean NO ONE, ever said that women is a simple creature. In fact, we're not simple. We're way far away from simple because as you can tell, a women will always be the most complicating topic in the world. It is the ONLY PUZZLE, NO MAN can ever solve.

See, even the pictures says so :P
See, even the pictures says so :P
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
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