You could have come across it for more than you could have expected, yet you may not have noticed it at all. It takes shape of many different forms thus, the reason you don't realize it's presence. It's not that you would be unlucky if you don't know what it is, it's just that when you actually found out, you'll see how beautiful life can be. For me, it is in a person. No, he is not my boyfriend nor lover, but someone whom I see a lot in him. And to me, being able to spend time with a friend you cherish dearly is absolutely magical. You'll be lost in time xD I'm not expecting anything, this I say is true. But I pray for his happiness and well-being. Just being able to be around him once in a while and to see how he is wonderfully made and growing to be an amazing person is more than I can ask for.
p/s: I don't love you in the way I would want to (for now), the situation simply does not allow. But I love you dearly as a friend and sometimes a little more :)
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.