Okay, so I said that i'll be back. Mojo is not here yet, still. But i'll just blog anyways. College has been awesome so far but lately I just don't quite have the mood for it. Somehow, I feel like something is missing. I no longer yearn to go college and enjoy the company of my fellow classmates. It's more or like as if I just go and struggle through a 3 hour, or worst, 6 hour class in order to get through the day. I don't have the blogging mojo. I don't feel like going out at all. In fact, I'd rather stay home and do nothing, really. Cheerleading also mampus already. I don't even feel as happy as used to be. Things are going down lately && it sucks. My dad's coming this April, I don't know what am I supposed to be feeling. I just feel so dead. I do not know how to react to things anymore. Except to breathe slow and take it all in. Eventually I just wanna burst.
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency