Yesterday, (07.10.2008) , I watched a movie called Penelope. A wonderful story about a girl born to a curse set upon her father's bloodline that "Only one of her kind (A blue-blood) who could love her," will break the curse. For years, this girl born with the nose of a pig, lived a life full of rejection. It was in search of a blue-blood who would marry her that she finds herself accepting herself for who she is. Penelope had the power to break the curse by loving herself. The simple "I like the way I am!". How great the power of self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-love. && then I thought to myself, I love me! I like the way I am! But I was born fine. I was born normal. With 2 eyes, a nice lil nose, 10 fingers, 10 toes, I'm NORMAL! But what if I had a nose of a pig? What if I have abnormal ears? What if my feet are like gorillas? What if I was a FREAK?!? Would I be able to accept myself? Would I be able to love myself if I'm ugly? If I'm abnormal? I don't know. I feel like crying. I am grateful to God that I'm normal. But maybe cause I'm normal that I won't really understand what is self-love. Think about it! Why get a nose job? A boob job? Why live life on the oprational table? Why be plastic when you can be flesh? Give thanks! Be grateful cause some people aren't lucky enough to BE normal. Try asking yourself, "HOW CAN YOU LOVE OTHERS WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN LOVE YOURSELF?"
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
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