SMK Seri Bintang Selatan!Now that's where the heart is. 5 years ain't easy to let pass by so easily. I miss them already. All my fellow friends. All the crazy folks. && most certainly all my fellow classmates. Beloved 4 & 5 Damar. We shared the world. Our ups and downs. We've done so much together. We study together *
like durh*, we sing together, we play together, we act together.
They were my family.
They ARE my family. && now we go our separate ways. Oh well, I have nothing to do, so let me introduce to you my schooling life the past 5 years alright? Here goes :-
2004 - 1 JatiOrientation year. It was my 1st year in form 1. Everything was new and things were so different back then. Everyone, yes EVERYONE looked so young back then. See for yourself.
Topaz, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Amethyst.
Kathleen, see how cute you used to be. You still are, only better (: 2005 - 2 JatiA year has passed and it's our 2nd year here now. We almost know the whole school inside out now. Mhm, I miss those silly days.
Pn. Zunaidah, class teacher.
We looked so young & kiddy like.
Hahaha, school girl crush on most wanted senior;
Mohd Affendi Mat Riffin
2006 - 3 JatiPMR! That's the first thing we thought of when we're in form 3. But it never stopped us from having fun did it?

Pn. Khadisah's farewell party
Boys of SBS (: 2007 - 4 DamarWelcome to the honeymoon year they say. This is the year we choose our preferred path. Damar is a science class and Damar is my family. This is the best year of my life. Not to mention form five too but that will some soon. Anyways, it wasn't much of a honeymoon year for us but we did enjoy ourself as well as strive for the stars. Well, they are from then until now, the best thing that ever happened to me. (:
4 Damar class party.
Biology : Disection of a frog
4 Damar class cheer. 2008 - 5 DamarThis is our last year together & our memories will be cherished forever. I love you girls abundantly! Nothing will ever change that!
Class party with Pn. Suhana && Pn. G
Chemistry : Saphonification
Fun with maths & Pn.Juliana

Gossip sessions in class.
Visit to Bukit Nanas - 2006
Karate Competition - 2006
Patriotism Day - 2006
Patriotism Day - 2007
4 Damar's Merdeka special (: Sports Day
Go Amethyst, go go AMETHYST!!
Jamming for a performance. Crazy Times (:
Merempit with Farah Ili Diana
The kids from 5 Keruing & Meranti
With my bestfriends <3
So yeah, you see how hard it is to forget all these years? These days filled with tear & joy. Laughter bursting through the corridors.
Bestfriends, Classmates, Juniors, Seniors, Librarians, Prefects, Teachers. We all live under this one roof called SBS && this is my family (: I'm feeling so emo-ish writing this. I hate goodbyes. ;'( But yeaaa, this will help. One way or another though.
The last picture of this post will be this,
Li Ean, Me, Pei Jinn, Sue Jinn, Yee Teng && Ee Mei.The picture of our graduation day. How devastating ;'( now this is really goodbye. So,
GOODBYE. *uwaaaa*xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.