It's the 4th of December & Ashela + her family held this open house thing at her new house.
BANGIIII! wahhh. The place is amazing. Anyways, I was one of the first to reach. Me & Erwin that is. We took the KTM til UKM then Kak Lilo picked us up (: Soon enough, Weyna joined us. Ohhh sayang sayang herr. At ibu's room, me, Weyna, Shela && Lilo took pictures with Shela's new cam. Hahaha, && I wore her baju kurung. Slowly people start showing up. When Amoi came, we had to go pick them up. So me, Shela & Weyna followed Kak Lala, since Kak Lilo is fetching someone else. At the station, we we like, KAPOW!! there was 5 guys plus Amoi. Althogether, we have 10 people crammed in the car. 4 + 6 that is. You do the maths! There was Zain, Afiq, Ewan, Azam && of course, Esfan (: Hahahhaa, he's one hot fella. The few pictures througout the day :-

The early birds

Me in Shela's kurung & Weyna's tudung

This was how cram the car was

Introducing, the boys
Top to Bottom : Afiq, Ewan, Esfan, Azam, Zain

Amoi & well, me

The rendang was absolutely delicious

A little chemistry magic I had with him during lunch

Took him long enough to have a picture with me

The most loving couple on earth ever-ER

Ohh, definitely THEM I love

My beloved girlfriends & my favourite photo

This is Esfan. Pretty boy much?

Hahah, me & rose on our horniest look
The kenduri was awesome although I didn't get the chance to like, take pictures with everyone so i'll post a list of names here.
1) Ashela
2) Weyna
3) Tyka4) Icky5) Rose6) Kroll7) Lily8) Kak lilo & kak lala9) Erwin10) Izzat11) Azam12) Ewan13) Zain14) Afiq15) Esfan16) Ejay17) Amoip/s: we hand our time & it was perfect.
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
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