So as I was viewing pictures of animals today, a face appears for every picture I look at. Somehow, each animal reminds me of someone in particular. Hahaha, so people,
Say HELLO to my Animal Friends;;

Many of my friends think of me as a tiger simply because of my
fierce and predatory characteristic. When I am angry, I get
pretty fierce, it's nasty. I also love to hunt. Not for prey but for Yummy BOYS
This puppy reminds me of a dear friend of mine.
Che'nelle, Jackie, her name never seems to be permanent. Why I see her as a puppy is because she LOVES puppies. In fact, she has one at home. But it looks more like a sheep than a dog to me. && like a puppy, she is also
a very very loyal friend. We've been good friends for
12 years now && we're still counting ;)
This is
Elle! Yes
Li Ean, this is YOU! Why? Don't you realize you drink a lot and I mean A-LOT of water everyday? Yet of course, she is totally the opposite size of an elephant but who cares? She has big ears you know? Literally I mean, which makes her
a very very good listener when it somes to story telling (:
Tan Pei Jinn! DON'T ask me why, but you're the chicken, not me! Hahaha, she is so much
braver than a chicken but the reason I think of her as a chicken is because of her
motherly nature. She looks after us like a hen watches over her chicks.

Who else can be as
foxy as our own
Aida Nadzirah? Well, she's
sexy alright && she has such a
bold and strong personality that makes her sexy in her very own way. But do beware, as cute as a fox can be, she is also very
sly. Ain't you missy?

This cute little bunny portrays my little darling,
Insyira Amin. Trust me, they look exactly the same. You can't tell the difference.
Insyira is very
kind and gentle. Like a bunny, she always treats me with
tender, love and care. This gentle girl is definitely one to be kept for sure.
NurFarah Amirah. She hisses so soft, thats why she is my
gossip partner. She also has super duper long legs. This makes her long like a snake. && oh! she's as skinny as a snake too.

Intan Syafirah! Oh my,, this lady really is a little monkey. She's my rascal && she's super
annoying. She chatters so much and
giggles all the time. But so, she is
MY monkey.
NOT yours.

A zebra is such a sexy creature.
Mysterious AND sexy. Just like my one & only
Syahirah Anuar. This woman of mine, also one of my bestfriend is absolutely
GORGEOUS and smokin' hot! What else can I define her as?

Kitty cat! Kitty cat! Haha,
Nurafizah Amirrudin. She's my kitty. Very very
"manja" && she looks like a kitten too. She's
gentle && she's
catches the attention of a guy like a cat catches a mouse. Need I say more?

gentle one. This one is very
soft and she is as
sweet as a lamb. None other than my
wifey, the awesome
Siti Nur Asilah. Like a sheep, she is also really
adorable too.

This is my
Nurul Ain Syafiqah. Hahah, why a hippo you may ask. Well, when she
sleeps, WHOA! It's absolutely a challange for you to wake her up. She simply
sleeps dead. But she is one hell of a woman and
she's rockin!

Tortoise, tortoise. These creatures are
extremely slow. Just like my beloved
Wan Noor Faradawina. Why do I call her slow? Well, she's
slow when it comes to understanding some of my jokes. But yet, this slow poke is one to be loved dearly.

Mooooooooo! Meet
Atikah Aliah the cow! She's one of the youngest here. Therefore she is the
baby of our group. && babies loves milk no? Well, this picture just reminds me of her. So I chosed her as the COW. The way
she stick her tongue out in almost many pictures, this really looks like her.

This little piggy, That little piggy.
Wan Khairul Anwar is definitely my
BUBBI! Right sayang?? ;D He's simply
Small and cute too. Tho he is like way taller than me. But heck, this dude
eats alot and eats almost anything. && he
makes faces too.

Meet my squirrel. Everyone adores a
cute little squirrel. && I adore my
Muhd Ridzuan. He's really
fluffy in the heart && a
shoulder to cry on (:

Last but not least, My favourite one. My Giraffe, my long neck, my spirit uplifter, my consoler. I give you the great, the almighty,
Mr. Raes Aref, son of uncle Suhaimi!! This fella is a great person whom is always there for me in his special ways. He's such a great friend && one whom I love oh so dearly. Dude, u're an
angel from heaven. He gives the greates hugs ever. I never seem to wanna let go. Hahaha, maybe cause he's
F-A-T! But sheesh! Don't tell him. Well, I don't really have a reason why giraffe, but he does remind me of one. So there, you shall always be my giraffe. Love you fatty <33
p/s: So people, I am against animal abuse! Save an animal, save a friend!
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
2 new recipes:
These images are absolutely adorable and your commentary is both funny and astute. I will definitely be checking back for future posts. I can't believe how small that little squirrel cute!!
haha okay that picture of the cow is pretty funny -.- asal lah itu aku kan, hahaha. but i do love you vir, xoxo <3
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