May 9, 2009

Mystery Game

In Communication English class yesterday, we played a CSI, mystery solving game where we're suppose to figure out the story line && the reason. So this is how it went. The question, then i'll tell the story. && maybe ass my own salt & pepper.


A man entered the train and sat down at an empty corner except for a lady. The lady then took off her gloves. A few hours later, the man was arrested by the police but was then realeased several hours later leagally & freely. Why was the man released?


30 years ago

Basically, by the end of the game, this is what we figured out.

The man, Andy && the lady, Debby were highschool sweethearts. They were deeply in love and so, they got married. AS the years passed, their relationship became dull and boring. The sparks and excitements are gone. Therefore, Debby had an affair with Paul. Things between them got really kinky until one fine day, Andy caught them red-handed. He was furious && so things between him and Debby are complicated and fragile. Andy lost trust in Debby and this pisses her off. So one day, when Andy was at work, Debby cut her ring finger with her wedding ring on and left the finger in the garden. She then ran away with Paul to somewhere rural. Soon, when Andy returned, he was immediately captured by the cops and he was sentenced 20 years in jail for the murder of his wife. That was 30 years ago. Today, when he was in the train, he couldn't recognize that the lady in the glove is actually his wife, Debby. It was only until she removed her gloves that Andy saw the finger. He was so mad, he killed Debby right there and then in the train. The police then captured him but he was then set free. Why? It's simply because, Andy was sentenced 20 years of jail for something he did not do. Debby framed him as she dissapeared with Paul. Now that he already did his time, he was set free immediately for the crime he was accuse for 30 years ago.

Ain't this super cool?

xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.

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