Ever had a day you're just so bored and your butt itches so much you feel like going anywhere as long as you're out of the house? Well, I DID! Just yesterday, and I drag Arman out with me. Poor boy. So basically we got out at about 11.30am. Haha, THAT'S early. We first went to look for SS2, as I was to meet Grace for the item I purchased online. I loved it! It's amazing, I'm gonna buy more from her already :D hahaha. Anyways, We then went to One Utama && I wanted to eat at Delicious & guess what? Arman BUKA PUASA at 1.30pm!! hahaha, Well, he's sick & went to the doctor after lunch. So yea. Alasan yang berkesan I'd say. We also went jalan-jalan at Curve and Ikano as well. Mind you, I was really bored and restless. Later on, we went to pick Izzat up. Poor Izzat, He just woke up and we're already downstairs. He came down without his wallet to the idea that we just wanted to meet up for a moment, but WHOOSH! We dragged him into the car and drove off. Haha, poor izzat was like complaining about not showering and stuff. Lol, That's what you get for getting kidnapped zat. We then made a spontaneous decision to go to Hanna's house at antarabangsa. So we woke her up as well. A we're waiting for Hanna to shower, this is what we did :-

This is me & "DIRTY" izzat, enjoying the wind, sitting in Arman's boot (:

& then, Tadaaa! Arman actually DID push me in, and actually shut the car boot! Thank God, I'm not claustrophobic. Haha. But lol.

&& this was how I looked like when they decided to let me out. LOL, remember this car number.
WKW2760. hahaha, Boleh suee ni. :P Eventually I got really really bored && the boot locking kinda got me all hyped up. So I went all curious and asked Arman if his car is like, KUAT enough or not. && so we did our experiments. As you can guess, hahaha. I got ON TOP of the car :D

Arman is like holding on to the TOP of his car, praying. hahaha.

We're like advertising Arman's car brand. Hahaha, && apparently I thought of a tagline.
" Is your car strong enough to protect you? We know Kia Spectra is! "
Muahahaha, cute ayyy? Oh gosh, can't blame me. I'm like studying in an advertising school. States why my advertising mind goes all wild. Anyways, I always heard from Yee Jin, Yee Teng and people who stay nearby that Antarabangsa is haunted. It was heard that the place actually has ghost disturbing the drivers. Well,
now WE KNOW, where that rumour came from. :D

hantu mana tah. Haha, definitely one hell of a ghost for disturbing the drivers early in the morning. I mean, H-E-L-L-O?!? The sky is not even dark enough. pfft, :D Anyways, there was once this show, The Shutter. It's a horror movie la, I never watched it, but I've heard it alot in class 5 Damar. Basically, according to Jerica, Theresa & Mei Yan, There is a scene where the ghost suddenly climbs next to the driver's window. For this next picture, I'd say that it is a re-shoot for the scene. Malaysian version of shutter. Hahaha,
This is not for the faint of heart!!
*screams*hahahaha, Well, tadaaa!! Our master piece. Ever had a ghost watching you? Well, Arman did. && he's enjoying her ghostly company :D Haha, Sempena passed MERDEKA, the title is based on Nyck's idea. "
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
1 new recipes:
OMG THIS IS LIKE MY FAVOURITE POST!! HAHA. i was literally laughing my ass of at the picture of you kat tingkap macam hantu tu. haha <3
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