Firstly, I'm officially LEGAL in two days time. && yes, I am just 17 still.
Second, I passed my friggin' driving && am collecting my lisence in about a few hours time,
Thirdly, I'm getting a car from my beloved Granduncle ♥ *I'd think of it as my birthday prezzie*
Next, I am having the best college, the most interesting subjects, the awesomest lecturers, the greatest college mates and the most wonderful moments being in college.
Following on, I realized that I am freakin rich with Good Friends.
Now on with the things I like,
I enjoy a good movie once in a while. I adore outdoor activities. I love cheerleading, jogging, swimming and SHOPPING!
I'm quite the spender, I love to buy stuff (:
I'm addicted to SHOES and I have a thing for clothes.
I enjoy spending time with loves ones although that means doing nothing. lol.
Lastly, take note that I'm quite the sober-drinker && I have plenty of skeletons in my closets.
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
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