Weird huh?! Reading, not just a girl, but ME, blogging about football. Lol, ain't gonna complain. I've been nocticing that these past few years, Malaysia is lucky enough to have some fantastic football clubs to compete a nice friendly match with us. If you've been paying attention to these events, you'd be able to see that :-

My beloved, the awesome, the fantastic, mighty Chelsea, came to Malaysia in August 2008. Sadly, I was unlucky enough to be able to "NOT ATTEND" and support my darlings. But anyhow, they still did great ayy?? :) No sooner then, after not even a year,

Tadaaaaa, then arrived Manchester United in July 2009 (: These red hot fans were burning through the entire stadium as well as the freakin' LRT station (: Once again, I am unlucky enough to have my mum say this unforgetable sentence to me, "I am NOT going to pay a hundred bucks for you to watch FOOTBALL!!" Damn sad weiyh. lol,
Anyhow, any idea when Liverpool && Arsenal will be coming? This time, I won't miss the chance. Tho i'm not a fan of them. It's the experience that counts. HAHAHAHAH
p/s: Long lives the BLUES ♥!! ohh, and the RED DEVILS too (:
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
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