Whoaaa, this is surely one day to remember. Pfft, I was to meet my friends at Sunway to get my free tickets. Somehow, I had t run after trains and buses that keeps delaying the departure. Eventually when I DID reach Sunway, I had a new problem that occured. I tried calling the people there but NONE of them, and i mean it, N-O-N-E of them actually picked up. How much more patience could I hold on to? I was strugling with my own temper apparently. For hours I kept dialing but as you could have guessed, no one picked up. I was on the verge of crying. Okay fine, I did shed tears. Can't blame me, I travelled quite the distance. Lucky thang, I have two lovers who was by my side && choose NOT to go for the MTV World Stage just to accompany me.
Now THESE is what I call friends. I then called my mum && guess what?!?! She didn't pick up either, and I was literally complaining to my friends, who knows my mum could be in the MTV thingy. Lol, As I was crying, we've decided to do something fun so that the trip would not be a waste. We went to the cinema and FISH!! It was super packed! :( I was really really down like seriously. I am human too, so basically I am very very very dissapointed. We ended up shooting zombies at the arcade and having fun slamming on the arcade boards!! whoooooohoo!
Later on, we went to a very very cool place.

Asia Cafe :) hahaha, and guess what caught my eyes?!

That's right, IKAN BAKAR!! We're lucky to have gotten a large piece for RM9. It tasted sooooooo good it was not enough. But we didnt have enough cash so, save up for the next trip :)
It was so mouth-watering that my two favourite noobies actually learned how to use chopsticks there and then!! (: the best stingray ever.
Entertaining our bored ass while we were waiting for the deliecious fish to come. haha, our trademark faces. Aren't we just the cutest?
Ohh and that night, CHELSEA was playing. ♥ ♥ ♥ !! I bet they've won for sure :P It was only after dinner when we're on the way back, where I bumped into JT Louis after some camwhoring moments in the toilet (:
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