Jun 23, 2010

Found Love, Lost Love.

It has taken me a really long time to find him. To find the one person in the world who would love me for who I am, accept me for everything I am and support everything I do. Someone who is by far, an angel sent from heaven. My personal gift from God. After 3 years of fighting for this love, I finally got to have a real relationship with my baby. Things were amazing. Whenever I am with him, there is nothing else I need to worry because I know, no matter what happens, he'll always be by my side. I guess I spoke too soon. Before we could actually begin our LOVE STORY, it has already reached the end. We are to part ways due to parential circumstances. We are not to even contact one another. Alas, I this sweet dream of mine has taken shape of my worst nightmare. Wherever I am, I am alone. I call for him, he is nowhere to be seen. I yearn for him, and all that's here is just his presence. His presence alone to haunt me forever. Whatever I do, I feel him near me. But he is never really there. Wherever I go, I feel him around. But my mind is playing games on me. I found love, but love was taken from me and I can't let go. Maybe this is the way things are supposed to be. Maybe this is how I will have to carry on. To fake a smile in the morning, and cry myself to sleep each night.

It's been weeks since I last saw him, since I last heard his sweet, comforting voice. I love him. But that's the only thing I can do. The rest lies in his hand.


xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.

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