18 November 2008 (Day 4)
Addmaths, Addmaths, Addmaths!! Addmaths, caught many of us off guard. Paper 1 was always supposed to be the hard one but it turned out simple. In fact, paper 2 killed most of us. GoshhhH! :|
Anyhow, me & Li Ean camwhored in the tarmac during breaktime before Moral. Then we studied with the boys in the lintangan api. rolf. Moral was postponed to half an hour later. When it started, fuhhh, there were soooo many words. I was a little dizzy. What I can make out was just the Amaran which was like bolded. It says:
Kertas soalan ini adalah soalan tertutup.
Kertas soalan ini tidak boleh disalin, dicetak atau di*something*kan dalam apa cara pun.
I guess thats all for today. Ain't really in the mood though. Btw, goodbye addmaths! Goodbye moral. It's time for our last goodbye!
Me & Li Ean, camwhoring to survive the tension between time.
Me, Li Ean, Vicky & Niro : Cram studying - *as if!!*
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
1 new recipes:
Awwwwh!! I miss those times.
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