Our school, SMKSBS had our graduation day for the form 5's at YPC on friday which was the 7th of November. We were asked to wear formally and put on our graduation "jubah". It so happened that the science classes all get the BRIGHT PURPLE ones, which only comes in LARGE. there is no other sizes. grrrr, I look exactly like a Barney!! hahaha, it was HUGE on my little body. *little lah sangat* hahahaa, anyways. The sub sciences and art stream got the dark blue which actually looks so much more elegant than we do. I am sooo jealous. Hahahhaa, So there I was, in my formal suit. A black slack, a white shirt & a vest. Hahha, I look awesomely delicious *no element of sarcasm here* lols. Anyhow, the event was quite boring :S but yeah. When it was time for the sijil thinggy, we had to go on stage ah, I was kinda having this super stage fright. hahahaha, what can I say? All eyes were on me. Not ONE eye but ALL eyes. After that, we got some photo taking sessions and then it was over. Quite a short event but it was F-U-N. Here's a few of the pictures.
Puan Suhana - My class teacher & BM teacher. She's like so pretty all the time.
Cik Norhafizah - My class teacher last year. She teaches me addmaths and only she can put some sense into addmaths for me
Puan Roaini - She is one of the best pengetua I had. Teacher, you ROCK!
Cik Norhafizah - My class teacher last year. She teaches me addmaths and only she can put some sense into addmaths for me
Puan Roaini - She is one of the best pengetua I had. Teacher, you ROCK!
This is me and Edward. Hahaha, my ex-husband (: Somehow, I love my eyes here.
I don't know what we were doing but sue jinn accidently took this picture and it's my FAVOURITE of them all.
So yeah, this is how my friday went during graduation. It was only after gard that me and Yee Teng decided to take a cab and go to Pavilion. There, we met Wai Kin or should I say, Luke. Later then, at the times book shop, we met with Arman (bunny) && Izzat. Then we split and took our own direction with me, arman and izzat heading to KLCC's kinokuniya to get me my NEW MOON (oh edward cullen <3) && Yee Teng and luke headed to BB to buy new shoes. Anyways, We then came back to Pavilion & ate at the food court. We discussed about prom and all && it was hilarious. At night, I was onlined but unable to blog, so I just stayed on at msn where I chatted with some friends. Almost late at night, my focus was only on one. & we WEBBIEE till 3 in the morning. It was kinda fun but I guess all good things comes to an end.
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
3 new recipes:
Hye Virg! You guys had Graduation Day? Omg tak fair gila okay, kitaorg first badge pun takda. Btw, create a Cbox lah babygirl and I link you dkt my Blog btw.
its me and u larh u ding dong. lol. li ean's hair tied up!
OMG! hahaha, no wonder i was like, why li ean look sooo different one?
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