27th November 2008 (Day 8)
MERDEKA!! MERDEKA!! Today is the end of SPM and I am proud to announce! Well, in the morning, me, Pei Jinn & Li Ean was like walking up from 7/11. Two girls were like CAT-FIGHTING && one of em' was recording if i'm not wrong. So what we over heard was this: "Kenapa kau kena kutuk aku kat dia hah?!", then it was a blur until girl 1 slapped girl 2. Girl 2 was pissed and did that cat claw scratch and hit girl 1. Girl 1 hit her back then girl 2 just pushed girl out over the curb. Girl 1 fell backwards down onto the tar road and twisted her ankle if i'm not wrong. Her tudung came off. lol, so ganas. Luckily there were no car or she would be squashed and girl 2 will be put in jail for attempt of murder in front of a school on the last day of SPM. I was like so entertained weh. Early in the morning already so dramatic ;D It was a waste we didn't get to record it. Oh well, so EST was fine then me, Li Ean, Pei Jinn, Neo, Niro & Vicki went to maideen for lunch. Suddenly Yee Jin texted me asking me to come out now! Then there was the screaming and all until I was so worried, I did'nt finish up my food and drink just to rush back there. THE F**K! They called just to ask me to go eat with them, I actually cried like in fronth! They yeah, they pujuk and say bring me go bowling after school. So I was okay. Then after EST 2, MERDEKA alreadyyy! This was how the corridor was.
After school, go BOWLING!! Obviously I wasn't good at it & I won myself a nickname. "The Gutter-Queen". Lol, it was fun though.
After bowling, they drove me home. Then later at night, they took me out again! Hahaha, we went to somewhere near leisure mall for dinner at an Italian shop. Yummy lorrr, && there just chit chat!
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