virginie says:
what do you think about girls with fake boobs?
~LYJ~(F)-- 为我而微笑 says:
~LYJ~(F)-- 为我而微笑 says:
tak beberapa sukaa
~LYJ~(F)-- 为我而微笑 says:
better small than fake.
virginie says:
what do you think about girls with fake boobs?
iskandar says:
iskandar says:
x best
iskandar says:
x original
virginie says:
what do you think about girls with fake boobs?
raesaref. says:
i think they dont have self confidence and they are poyo and making a fool of themselves
raesaref. says:
dnt even think of getting one vir
So, basically, no guys like girls with fake boobs. That is unless that girl doesn't BELONG to him. But here's something else:
Virginie Laurency.