For the times we had, so voluntarily sweet. For the games we played, so soul fulfilling. For the words we spoke, so peaceful to the ear. For the sights we shared, everlasting in my eyes! From the moment I first lay-ed eyes on you, I knew that you were the ONES. The ones who'd stand by me through thick and through thin. I believed in the love we shared. So pure yet so true. It lifts me up above the heavens, reaching for the stars. I knew deep within my heart, that I'll have no regrets for making you the V.I.P's of my life. && true with that, I'm proud to say, the very first day I met you, I made you my friend. && that's the PROUDEST decision I've made in my life.

Our very first hang out.

And so, our hang outs extended (:

Spending birthdays together.

Trying outfits together <3
God knows, how lucky I am to have them as bestfriends. Bestfriends that sticks like GLUE!

Syahirah Anuar && Nurafizah Amuruddin
Bestfriends, till death do we part <3
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
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