Mar 9, 2009

Taggers ;P

I wasn't tagged by anyone, but here goes x)
1.List this rules on your blog
2.Share 7 fact about you on your blog
3.Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4.Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blog
5.Link the person who tagged you
6.Leave comment for each blogger you have tagged

Se7en Abso-Mind-Blowing Facts About Me

1. I'm such a flirt, how could you resist?
2. I'm cool, I'm hot, I rock && I definitely believe that you are NOT!
3. I dirty dance && scream my lungs out in the middle of EVERYWHERE.
4. I fuck-alutely adore CHELSEA. *deal with it baby*
5. I'm a lunatic madwoman on the loose.
6. I'm a HUGE dramaqueen. *take it or leave it*
7. Oh, I met someone && I'm loving him <3

SEX (6) Unspectacular Quirks Of Mine
1. I vibrate when I laugh in silence.
2. I daydream when I'm horny.
3. I lick my lips a lot.
4. I hop, skip && shakes my hands vigorously when I'm excited.
5. My nose waters when I eat curry.
6. I auto-smile almost all the time x)

I Tag You You You && You!
1. Syazmin
2. Tyka Alya
3. Fiqafiqon
4. Elle Elle
5. Summer
6. Chenelle
7. Bryant

My Comment's On My Tagss.

1. Syazmin - The ultimate cheer bomb!
2. Tyka Alya - The tiny princess <3
3. Fiqafiqon - The oldest of us all <3
4. Elle - My sticky ear. She listens to all my dramas. Good or Bad.
5. Summer - Very very motherly && a true friend.
6. Chenelle - My shoulder to cry on. My shopping partner.
7. Bryant - The coolest bro ever!

I was too bored. So picked on this lil survey shit**
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.

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