Lastly would be my cousin brother who is 1 year older than me. He's been supporting me in learning my french and to go back home and stay. I am also eager to meet him and spend time with him and the rest of my family to but for now, we shall wait. We were on msn last night, talking and he told me he'll be back in about 2 - 3 hours later. Let's just say he never did come back. Haha, must have fallen asleep (: So no webbie pic with him. Anyhoo, I stole a picture of him in facebook. So yea, this is him down there. The handsome looking boy (:
Dec 30, 2009
Cousins (:
It's been a really really long time since. The last I've met my lovely cousins were 5 years ago and oh how much I've missed them. I was given the opportunity to talk to them and see them again yesterday and I am very grateful and happy for it. Can you ever imagine having two gorgeous and mature looking girls as your cousins? Yea, so can I. But heck, my cousins are as lovely as the moon ans stars in the sky.
This is Maud. She is 2 years younger than me. Which makes her 17 this coming november. Like I said, she has grown to be very very beautiful. So yes, we webcam-ed last night all the way till 8 in the morning. I literally stayed up to spend time catching up with her. (:
Now this is my youngest cousin. She is 15 years old this april. See, i told you they're very matured looking. Beautiful girl she is. Ma petite ♥ I spend a lot of time catching up with her too.
Lastly would be my cousin brother who is 1 year older than me. He's been supporting me in learning my french and to go back home and stay. I am also eager to meet him and spend time with him and the rest of my family to but for now, we shall wait. We were on msn last night, talking and he told me he'll be back in about 2 - 3 hours later. Let's just say he never did come back. Haha, must have fallen asleep (: So no webbie pic with him. Anyhoo, I stole a picture of him in facebook. So yea, this is him down there. The handsome looking boy (:
Lastly would be my cousin brother who is 1 year older than me. He's been supporting me in learning my french and to go back home and stay. I am also eager to meet him and spend time with him and the rest of my family to but for now, we shall wait. We were on msn last night, talking and he told me he'll be back in about 2 - 3 hours later. Let's just say he never did come back. Haha, must have fallen asleep (: So no webbie pic with him. Anyhoo, I stole a picture of him in facebook. So yea, this is him down there. The handsome looking boy (:
Dec 29, 2009
Malfolic Genes
Hahaha, It's been clear all along how Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy is involved with each other. Knowing or unknowingly by Ginny Weasley and the others. All these time, there have been no objection upon the scandal. It is a very very strange relationship but it's been hot hot hot hot news all along. But haven't anyone ponder upon their thoughts? How would a fittie, someone as hot Draco, get involved with a guy in this very sexy, very hot but homoishly-wrong relationship?
I guess it's time we find out now. Taa-daaa!!
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
Figures -.-"
I guess this is what happens all the time. People get POP-UPS!! Pop-ups that I have never seemed to have recieved. That's why they always manage to break MY heart instead of the other way round. Figures -.-"
This is why, loving real people is suicide. Because they'll just turn around and smash you to pieces. Just like humpty-dumpty. I for one, has learned my lessons. Never fall in love with creatures that BREATHES AIR, EATS FOOD & DRINKS WATER. It's best and a lot safer to just indulge yourself withing your mind. Your imagination of loving & being loved by a mere character of either books or movies. Simply because you know them INSIDE-OUT! && you'll never be dissapointed. I have a few of my own lovers. As they'll never get jealous you see, and definitely will NOT leave me. These kinda love are forever && I think I really am IN LOVE ♥
He's sweeter than any guys in the world could ever be. Makes the first moves and very very plesant boy. FORGIVING too! && What I love most bout him is that he doesn't wanna TWO-TIME anyone. Boyfriend material he is.
Jacob Black, definitely HOTTER than you can ever imagine. Those abs and biceps, grawrr! He's not just physically fit, he's very very loving and protective. For sure he is one you can depend on. Thought he's hot-tempered, I'm more than willing to put up with his tantrums to love him MORE than the idiotic-spineless-BELLA can ever do.
And last but not least,
I LOVE HIM! I ADORE HIM! He's just so adorable and cute too. Literally watched him grow up from a young boy. Capable of large sacrifice and respondsible over his lil' sis. He is prone to be easily jealous but that only show how much he cares right? He has it all in him, just needs a little push. My baby here is afraid of spiders. Poor baby. Haha, well he's still amazing for being soo CUTE!
p/s: Blast of LAVENDER & BELLA SWAN! I'm warning you!
xoxo, ever yours,
ever dreaming,
Virginie Laurency.
ever dreaming,
Virginie Laurency.
Dec 22, 2009
Dating Tips ;D
Well, lately I'm drawn to the cinemas like FAK! hahahaha, so for you people out there, people I know who hasn't spend time with me for almost a decade or people who want to get to know me and all, you know your call. A trip to the movies for the following (:
Firstly, The Princess && The Frog ;D
Then, Sherlock Holmes (:
&& lastly, the killer show of all time. The best one i'm super excited and awaiting for ;)
Firstly, The Princess && The Frog ;D
Then, Sherlock Holmes (:
&& lastly, the killer show of all time. The best one i'm super excited and awaiting for ;)
xoxo ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
Dec 21, 2009
There's 3 Parts To This Story
Hello world (:
At last I am out! Let me introduce myself. I am virginie's other half. Or at least one of the other 2 parts of her. As you can see she is a happy-go-lucky girl, all bubble and jolly and AWWW (': Well that's because you don't know about my existance. She's a manipulator this other half of mine. Always trying to cover things up. To keep the truth away from the world. She prefers to live in a fantasy and that is why she has been hiding me all these time. For years and years and years, I have been struggling to creep pass her but she's always on guard. This time, she did a little slip. My poor darling got too tired and I guess she fell asleep and wasn't on guard. So let me tell you a little more about us. Me and her, we're important to each other but we're the exact opposite. I am the one who is more calm, more open & more REALISTIC! You see, we share a very very deep, dark secret, the both of us. Not even mommy knows about it. We may seem jovial and extra fun to be with and all but that's simply because I allow her to. She is a runner. I bet you all knew about this. She runs. She runs from every problems she have. Whenever something is wrong and she can't face it, she runs! But I don't blame her. Because she's been hurt. Hurt over and over and over and over again. Unexpected, I know. I can't see her run away anymore. Because it's affecting me to. We share one body, we share one soul. If she hurts, I hurt too. This is so frustrating!! Why can't she just let me be in control for just one day. Let me take things and settle it for us instead of having her running away all the time. I LOVE HER! I really really really DON'T WANT TO SEE HER HURT. There is no one else that we can trust now. They have all abandoned us. && Virginie blames us for it. I don't see quite why she does. It's not OUR fault! It's theirs! Their pathetic dissatisfaction and their desire for perfectory. The perfect daughter, the perfect student, the perfect friend, the perfect girl, the perfect everything!! IT IS NOT OUR FAULT!! Darling, please STOP blaming us for these. I would be there for you. I have been there with you, through everything! I have never left you since the very day you were born. If only she would treat me as a human. But she wouldn't. Because I live only in her mind. Otherwise I'd hold her and make her see otherwise. Virginie wake up! Stop beating yourself like that. You're not just hurting yourself, you're hurting me and you're feeding to Three's desire. SO please, for all our sake. You know very well not to let Three get a hold on you. So suck up! I love you. && please don't be mad if you found out that I wrote this. I just want people to know that you need help. I just want someone REAL, since you don't consider me as REAL, to be there for you and to prove to you that people still loves us.
At last I am out! Let me introduce myself. I am virginie's other half. Or at least one of the other 2 parts of her. As you can see she is a happy-go-lucky girl, all bubble and jolly and AWWW (': Well that's because you don't know about my existance. She's a manipulator this other half of mine. Always trying to cover things up. To keep the truth away from the world. She prefers to live in a fantasy and that is why she has been hiding me all these time. For years and years and years, I have been struggling to creep pass her but she's always on guard. This time, she did a little slip. My poor darling got too tired and I guess she fell asleep and wasn't on guard. So let me tell you a little more about us. Me and her, we're important to each other but we're the exact opposite. I am the one who is more calm, more open & more REALISTIC! You see, we share a very very deep, dark secret, the both of us. Not even mommy knows about it. We may seem jovial and extra fun to be with and all but that's simply because I allow her to. She is a runner. I bet you all knew about this. She runs. She runs from every problems she have. Whenever something is wrong and she can't face it, she runs! But I don't blame her. Because she's been hurt. Hurt over and over and over and over again. Unexpected, I know. I can't see her run away anymore. Because it's affecting me to. We share one body, we share one soul. If she hurts, I hurt too. This is so frustrating!! Why can't she just let me be in control for just one day. Let me take things and settle it for us instead of having her running away all the time. I LOVE HER! I really really really DON'T WANT TO SEE HER HURT. There is no one else that we can trust now. They have all abandoned us. && Virginie blames us for it. I don't see quite why she does. It's not OUR fault! It's theirs! Their pathetic dissatisfaction and their desire for perfectory. The perfect daughter, the perfect student, the perfect friend, the perfect girl, the perfect everything!! IT IS NOT OUR FAULT!! Darling, please STOP blaming us for these. I would be there for you. I have been there with you, through everything! I have never left you since the very day you were born. If only she would treat me as a human. But she wouldn't. Because I live only in her mind. Otherwise I'd hold her and make her see otherwise. Virginie wake up! Stop beating yourself like that. You're not just hurting yourself, you're hurting me and you're feeding to Three's desire. SO please, for all our sake. You know very well not to let Three get a hold on you. So suck up! I love you. && please don't be mad if you found out that I wrote this. I just want people to know that you need help. I just want someone REAL, since you don't consider me as REAL, to be there for you and to prove to you that people still loves us.
Always & Forever,
Virginie Laurency (2)
Virginie Laurency (2)
Going Nuts
Why must everyone acts as if they own me? Gosh, why can't they get a life?!?! I may understand that my life is a lot more spicier and more interesting but heck! LEAVE ME ALONE!!! && YESI am a self harming bitch who enjoys inflicting pain upon herself. WHAT CARE YOU!?! You people MADE me this way!!!
xoxo, ever glaring with FIRE within,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
Dec 19, 2009
She Wolfs - Shakira
Another sexy nude vid. She's not exactly nude but yeaa, I'm thinking about improvising the costume for myself (:
Love the song and her voice (:
Love the song and her voice (:
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
Russian Roulette
This is an amazing song. VERY VERY DARK for Rihanna if you get what I mean. Definitely something new from her but hecks, still a song to fall in love with (:
She looks very very sexy here btw :D
She looks very very sexy here btw :D
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
Dec 17, 2009
Happy Holidays (:
Holiday has officially began when the clock struck twelve today. We have no more classes in college, definitely the end of out morning struggle and zombie-ous travel to JAYA ONE, the Malaysian Las Vegas. Hahhaha yet it's not 100% holiday as we still have exams to prepare for and assignments to hand up. But it's still rest for all of us. So basically I have 2 long weeks of holidays then back to college for exmas. Just 2 day (: then another 1 week of holiday. Then we'll be having about 1 or 2 weeks of class then another 2 weeks of holidays. Greatness -.-" Oh well, enough with the mumbling and grumbling. I'm literally crapping today. haha,
Anyways, i'm still glad for the holidays. Quite a handful of events to enjoy. Can't wait.
Firstly we'll be having the eternity musical by our church for christmas at PGRM in cheras, maluri.

Thats our christmas musical event (: and a map to go there. Click on it for a larger view.
Next, obviously CHRISTMAS is here ♥ With nice warm turkeys and candy canes && woot! Christmas eve dinner at Aunt Joanna's house and maybe christmas dinner at Aunt Ellen's (:
Thirdly would be our Church's christmas youth party. Organized by the form 4 CG (:
Well, as you can see, the details are on the posters. Haha, and guess what!?! I DESIGNED THEM! That is, if it's gonna be accepted. Gosh, I improvised on it for so many times -.-" anyways, in case some of you have eyesight problems and a lazy finger to click to enlarge, here are the details.
Best of all is the YES event on the 4th - 15th january. Just a little issues with my dates for exams. Hopefully i'll be able to make it. Its the Youth Enrichment School organized by YAM, the Youth Alive Malaysia. I can't wait to go for it and indulge more in the presence and teachings of the Lord.
Anyways, i'm still glad for the holidays. Quite a handful of events to enjoy. Can't wait.
Firstly we'll be having the eternity musical by our church for christmas at PGRM in cheras, maluri.
Next, obviously CHRISTMAS is here ♥ With nice warm turkeys and candy canes && woot! Christmas eve dinner at Aunt Joanna's house and maybe christmas dinner at Aunt Ellen's (:
Thirdly would be our Church's christmas youth party. Organized by the form 4 CG (:
- venue : Charis Christian Centre
- date : 27th december 2009
- time : 7.00 - 10.30 pm
- dresscode: dress up as your favourite superhero and stand a chance to win a prize.
- p/s: bring a gift of RM5 and above for the gift exchange.
Best of all is the YES event on the 4th - 15th january. Just a little issues with my dates for exams. Hopefully i'll be able to make it. Its the Youth Enrichment School organized by YAM, the Youth Alive Malaysia. I can't wait to go for it and indulge more in the presence and teachings of the Lord.
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency
Virginie Laurency
Dec 13, 2009
Asia Pacific Youth Alive Conference (APYAC) 2009
The Youth Alive Malaysia (YAM) has once again brought nations all across asia pacific together in the name of the Lord. This year's APYAC was held in Glad Tidings Petaling Jaya (GTPJ) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. More than 1500 youth from across the nations attended this conference. Of the many nations that's involved with this amazing conference were :-
Jesus told us that we are to go and make deciples. To set forth and save souls. Our time is running out && it's time we all reach out to as many souls as we could.
At this conference, we have spiritual giants sharing with us the word of God. Faithful followers of Jesus Christ such as :-
"Being A Prophetic Voice", "Hearing God's Voice", "Battle of the Mind", Patterns for Victory", "Choosing the Right Voice", "A Life That Speaks", "Empowered to Impact" and "Breakthroughs In The Nations" were highlighted. This conference was a blessings to many of us and is definitely willed with the presence of the Holy Ghost. It's an amazing encounter and a fantastic experience. I strongly advice that we start saving up for the next APYAC in 2012 (:
Below are pictures of the conference. Kudos to the photographer, Daniel Liew.
The ushers ever so cheerful (:
Performance by Juwita Suwito
Brad from U.S.A leading

During worship & praise

The many, many, MANY delegates (:
Some youths from my church, Charis Christian Centre
Pastor Nobu from Japan
Conference speaker, Pastor Mike Pilavachi; Soul Survival Church, Watford, UK ♥
*He always comes with John Dean, but I couldn't find John's picture*
Rev Clement Wong; Church of Praise, Ipoh.
Rev Julie Khoo; Glad Tidings AG, Petaling Jaya
Rev Lisa Chin; Revival Centre

There are more that has happened but no matter how I elaborate or share, it's never as inpactful as being THERE! To have been deeply blessed, moved and touched by the Lord. This is an expereince that we will never forget. To be close to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. APYAC 2012, HERE I COME!!
- Japan
- South Korea
- Bangladesh
- Sri Lanka
- Indonesia
- Fiji
- India
- China
- Brunei
- Singapore
- Cambodia
- Nepal
- Vietnam
- Myanmar
- Phillipines
- Thailand
- Nigeria
- Kenya
- Africa
- Malaysia
"Therefore, go and make deciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." - Matthew 28:19
Jesus told us that we are to go and make deciples. To set forth and save souls. Our time is running out && it's time we all reach out to as many souls as we could.
At this conference, we have spiritual giants sharing with us the word of God. Faithful followers of Jesus Christ such as :-
- Ps Mike Pilavachi
- Rev Ong Sek Leang
- Rev Clement Wong
- Rev Julie Khoo
- Rev Lisa Chin
- Ps Dr Lew Lee Choo
- Ps Darick Yeo
- Rev Victor Wong
"Being A Prophetic Voice", "Hearing God's Voice", "Battle of the Mind", Patterns for Victory", "Choosing the Right Voice", "A Life That Speaks", "Empowered to Impact" and "Breakthroughs In The Nations" were highlighted. This conference was a blessings to many of us and is definitely willed with the presence of the Holy Ghost. It's an amazing encounter and a fantastic experience. I strongly advice that we start saving up for the next APYAC in 2012 (:
The APYAC '09 Promotion Video.
Below are pictures of the conference. Kudos to the photographer, Daniel Liew.
*He always comes with John Dean, but I couldn't find John's picture*
There are more that has happened but no matter how I elaborate or share, it's never as inpactful as being THERE! To have been deeply blessed, moved and touched by the Lord. This is an expereince that we will never forget. To be close to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. APYAC 2012, HERE I COME!!
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
Turning Point
I was away for 3 days && in just three days I was changed wholly. From the top of my head to the tip of my toes, from the inside-out. So, to past be the post I have written before, as I shall not look behind but continue moving forward (: I have decided that from this day on, I'll look at things from a different point of view. I'll look at things from a more optimistic perspective. I have decided that it's time I claim to be the person I am supposed to be. Its time for me to stand up & shine for Jesus (: So alas, my new life begins as of this very second!!
God never promised us days without pain, laughter without sorrow or sun without rain. But he did promise strenght to get through each day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.
"But those who look to the Lord will renew their strenght. They will soar on wings of eagles; They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." - Isaih 40:31
"But those who look to the Lord will renew their strenght. They will soar on wings of eagles; They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." - Isaih 40:31
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
Dec 9, 2009
Yearning Pain
*OUCH!* a huge slap on the face, I know! But face the facts girl. You're just not deserving enough. And so I keep on wishing and keep on hoping. Keep on wanting something that is never meant to be my possession. It hurts. It hurts badly. Like a wound getting larger and larger from within. Bleeding away all that I could hold on to. Leaving me with nothing but an emptiness. A pain that's consistantly yearning for something alien to me. SOMETHING NOT MINE!
xoxo, ever yearning,
ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Ever felt like you can't be around a person? Like seeing that particular someone just tears your heart apart? Have you ever encountered moments of awkwardness filling up the spaces that was once lovely & warm between you and him? (or her if you're a dude) && every moment you yearn for them, they drift further away from you? Ever felt like you just wanna hide?
Ever felt like you're so alone? Like you're never really yourself at all? In places filled with people, filled with friends and strangers, you still feel alone. Like a part of you is missing?
Ever feel like you just wanna run away? Because that is what I wanna do. How I wish I could just run far far away. Away from all my mess and trouble. Away from everyone who dissapointed me, everyone who broke my heart they way THEY (yes, the five of them. -F,F,S,H,R-) did. To be rid of everyone who is killing me slowly with each heartbeat. Oh if I could, I would! I'd run and run and run and i'll just keep on running and running till I far away. To a place no one can find me. Someplace I can start over. A fresh start. But for now i'll wait. Patiently I'll wait till that day comes because believe me, this is a test. A test that when it's over, I'll be able to get out.
- I'll start to run. Literally. Take a jog or run tracks. Anything, as long as I'm running. It the only way-
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
Pandora's Box
Pandora was giving a box to which she was forbidden to open. (same case happened to eve and the forbidden tree) But alas, of course she didn't listen. It is obvious she would have opened the box. I mean, come on. We are creatures of curiosity. Why tempt us in the first place? When Pandora opened the box, many creature far from pleasant emerge from the box. Escaping from it's prison. As quickly as they could possibly sped away, before Pandora closes the box and lock them back inside.
ever blocked, ever locked,
ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Dec 8, 2009
Period Talking
For a few weeks, I've been really really emo. I thought it was my period talking. You know, when it's coming to THAT week of the month? Basically we'll have our PMS before our period && yes people. PMS IS DIFFERENT FROM PERIOD. They are NOT THE SAME THING! pergh, which part of PRE-menstrual do you not understand? Anyways yea, different people have different symptoms. Some get backaches, some gets massive cramps, some turns into an eating machine. I consider myself very luck. I don't get massive pains or cramps so there's definitely no pain for me to undergo. && I don't get into my eating mood thats gonne leave me all fatty fat fat at the end of my period days. So yeah, lucky girl I am. Really lucky (: But of course, I still have pms and my symptoms, to me, is the most dangerous symptoms of all. Haha, BLASTING TEMPER && CRAZY MOOD SWINGS! So yes! I can be all chirpy and happy at one point and the very next moment i'm breaking down, creating my very own tsunami. Otherwise I'd just be a bubbling volcano, full of hot air. Lol, don't say I didn't warn ya. I'm one hot headed lil lady.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that all these while, I've been all sad and down. So fed up with life, I thought my hormones is driving me nuts. But it seems that I was wrong. It's not hornonal drives, it's definitely not my menstrual speaking. I guess my heart is speaking to my mind. && so it seems, I'm not happy. I'm not jolly, even on this nearing festive season. Somethings disturbing me and I don't like it. BUT!! I want it to stay. I don't want it to go.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that all these while, I've been all sad and down. So fed up with life, I thought my hormones is driving me nuts. But it seems that I was wrong. It's not hornonal drives, it's definitely not my menstrual speaking. I guess my heart is speaking to my mind. && so it seems, I'm not happy. I'm not jolly, even on this nearing festive season. Somethings disturbing me and I don't like it. BUT!! I want it to stay. I don't want it to go.
I'm WEIRD, I know! So SUE ME!
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
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