Dec 9, 2009


Ever felt like you're so messed up? Like problems are all just mountaning up? Ever felt like you're being ambushed and attacked by troubles all at once instead of one at a time?
Ever felt like you can't be around a person? Like seeing that particular someone just tears your heart apart? Have you ever encountered moments of awkwardness filling up the spaces that was once lovely & warm between you and him? (or her if you're a dude) && every moment you yearn for them, they drift further away from you? Ever felt like you just wanna hide?
Ever felt like you're so alone? Like you're never really yourself at all? In places filled with people, filled with friends and strangers, you still feel alone. Like a part of you is missing?

Ever feel like you just wanna run away? Because that is what I wanna do. How I wish I could just run far far away. Away from all my mess and trouble. Away from everyone who dissapointed me, everyone who broke my heart they way THEY (yes, the five of them. -F,F,S,H,R-) did. To be rid of everyone who is killing me slowly with each heartbeat. Oh if I could, I would! I'd run and run and run and i'll just keep on running and running till I far away. To a place no one can find me. Someplace I can start over. A fresh start. But for now i'll wait. Patiently I'll wait till that day comes because believe me, this is a test. A test that when it's over, I'll be able to get out.

- I'll start to run. Literally. Take a jog or run tracks. Anything, as long as I'm running. It the only way-

xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.

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