A box! && many a times we wonder what's hidden within this box. This beautiful box carefully locked up. This reminds me a story. A myth as it is. PANDORA'S BOX! I bet many of you heard about her story. Although we could have all heard a different version of this story, it still leads to the same thing.
Pandora was giving a box to which she was forbidden to open. (same case happened to eve and the forbidden tree) But alas, of course she didn't listen. It is obvious she would have opened the box. I mean, come on. We are creatures of curiosity. Why tempt us in the first place? When Pandora opened the box, many creature far from pleasant emerge from the box. Escaping from it's prison. As quickly as they could possibly sped away, before Pandora closes the box and lock them back inside.

Well, what I'm trying to share here is not about Pandora, her box nor her actions. What I'm trying to highlight here are the creatures within. Locked up for centuaries. For sure they'd speed away if the chance appears. Because that is exactly what I would do. So yes. That box on the very top is not Pandora's. It is mine. && what's locked up inside is my life. My soul. All these days, I am out there in the world. Yet I feel so alone. So imprisoned. It's like I am here but I am never really here. A part of me is kept away from me. Kept in a place where I could not find. But even if I do, how am I to open it? I do not hold the key to the lock on the box.

Sometimes I just wish that I have my very own Pandora. A curious creature who would open up my box. Open it and let me free. My chance to swiftly creep away. My beginning of life. I wish that one day, may it be a person, a place, an event, one day my box would be open && I would be free. I wish that one day, I could actually
START LIVING LIFE!ever blocked, ever locked,
ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
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