- Japan
- South Korea
- Bangladesh
- Sri Lanka
- Indonesia
- Fiji
- India
- China
- Brunei
- Singapore
- Cambodia
- Nepal
- Vietnam
- Myanmar
- Phillipines
- Thailand
- Nigeria
- Kenya
- Africa
- Malaysia
"Therefore, go and make deciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." - Matthew 28:19
Jesus told us that we are to go and make deciples. To set forth and save souls. Our time is running out && it's time we all reach out to as many souls as we could.
At this conference, we have spiritual giants sharing with us the word of God. Faithful followers of Jesus Christ such as :-
- Ps Mike Pilavachi
- Rev Ong Sek Leang
- Rev Clement Wong
- Rev Julie Khoo
- Rev Lisa Chin
- Ps Dr Lew Lee Choo
- Ps Darick Yeo
- Rev Victor Wong
"Being A Prophetic Voice", "Hearing God's Voice", "Battle of the Mind", Patterns for Victory", "Choosing the Right Voice", "A Life That Speaks", "Empowered to Impact" and "Breakthroughs In The Nations" were highlighted. This conference was a blessings to many of us and is definitely willed with the presence of the Holy Ghost. It's an amazing encounter and a fantastic experience. I strongly advice that we start saving up for the next APYAC in 2012 (:
The APYAC '09 Promotion Video.
Below are pictures of the conference. Kudos to the photographer, Daniel Liew.
*He always comes with John Dean, but I couldn't find John's picture*
There are more that has happened but no matter how I elaborate or share, it's never as inpactful as being THERE! To have been deeply blessed, moved and touched by the Lord. This is an expereince that we will never forget. To be close to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. APYAC 2012, HERE I COME!!
xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
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