Apr 16, 2011

I'mma Coach Now!!

Ain't it cool? I've been coaching the girls from Sekolah Aminuddin Baki (SAB), cheerleading for their inter-house competition. Yes!! Syahbandar is a house team && this is only for sports day. But then again, you start from below right?!

Cheerleading has been a part of me since I just reached puberty. No it's not for the social pyramid && no it's definitely NOT for getting boys. Though of course, those are the PERKS that comes along with it ^^

Being a cheerleader means being a strong example. A girl that have an attitude that says it all. You can kiss my ass honey, but you ain't gonna tap that! Yes, we place a high amount of focus on COMMITMENT, DETERMINATION, TEAMWORK && DISCIPLINE! You may think that we're just girls in mini skirt being perky and all but you have the wrong idea.

While you go to the gym and lift weights, we lift girls. You jog for miles, We run, jump and chant at the same time. Cheerleading is a dangerous game. Definitely not for kids.

Hahaha, I got carried away. Okay, anyways, this coaching thing is a step one for me. Maybe I can coach other teams as well next time? Maybe not? We'll see how it goes ;)

This is my team, Anchorz :) See, told you we lift girls ^^

Ever yours, Xx
Virginie Laurency.

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