I would have to say that I wasn't expecting much from my internship as I was pretty upset about not being placed at Seventeen. My first week was a blur in the office but as the days passed by, I grew to love MYC! I couldn't have asked for a better experience. Ellyse, the Deputy Editor && Kelvin, the Copywriter are amazing bosses and seniors. They've not only taught me a lot, they actually gave me opportunities to write things I never dreamed of writing as an Intern. I've always heard that Interns are mainly Coffee-girls, Copy-girl && Carry-girl. But NO! I was a FULL ON, Junior Copywriter for the Magazineeeeee :)
Among the opportunities that were given to me :-
- I was given the chance to write a full page article that is going to be published, topic of my choice :O
- I got to follow and accompany the models for their photoshoot and makeover.
- I was given the chance to handle press-realeses, write ups.
- I got to go for Food Review. (DELICIOUS, EXPENSIVE FOOD FOR FREE)
- I got to write Book Reviews, Movie Reviews, Music Reviews. (We get to keep the books, the original CD's for free)
- I interviewed A-listed socialites/celebrities such as Vanessa & Pamela Chong :)
Among the people I got really close to would definitely be both my Bosses, ELLYSE & KELVIN who are absolutely AMAZING. The artistic Graphic Designer who sits behind me ----> Amileen (Crazy KOREAN FANATIC), Adrina (Big Boss' PA, HOT & SEXY), Sonia (PR girl) && Liyana (Very happy & bubbly). The others are fun too. Just not so hyper :D

All in all, we're just one happy family && I'm more than happy to be placed here. MYC! will forever be my home :)
p/s: I miss you guys already :'(
Ever yours, Xx
Virginie Laurency.
Virginie Laurency.
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