Working with MYC! We get to organize events on behalf of our clients. Master of Rev-up was one of them. For this post, I'm gonna write less and let the pictures do most of the talking :)
Venue : Empire Hotel Grand Ballroom
Date : 5th December 2010
Time : 2.00pm - 5.00pm (We obviously had to be there by 8)
Theme : American High-school Graduation
Dresscode : Highschool Cliques
&& So, it begins :-
Greetings, I'll be your escort for the day ^^ && I defy stereotypes. A nerd can be a cheerleader!
Basically, this is my job. I usher as well as present. The term they use is "STAND & LOOK PRETTY"
That's RUDY in the middle btw ;)
The Grand Prize winners
1st Runner Up
2nd Runner Up
The band playing that day was non other : The Paperplane Pursuit :) They make good music.
&& that was how I met Drummer Boy x)
A group picture with the band. I got them to sign my paperplane :D
One with Rudy ^^
&& finally, one with HALF the MYC! team
Thus, the cam-whoring sessions begins!
Me && the girls, we loved the toilet x)
I have weird colleagues, DON'T ASK!
We wanted to do a little ROLE-PLAY!!
Even when were packing, we can pose for the camera
Me && my proud signed paperplane :D
We have successfully GRADUATED! Hoorayyy!!! *throws hat*
Finally I get to lay hands on my phone -.-"It was definitely a Sunday to remember. One of the many great experiences I have gained while working with MYC! for the past few months. I've made many new friends. Families to be exact.
Ever yours, Xx
Virginie Laurency.
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