Nov 17, 2011

Self-inflicted Stress

Now. RIGHT NOW, I feel extremely stressed.

The whole idea of me being out of school/college. I mean, I guess I haven't fully grasp the whole idea but time ain't stopping for me till I realize that I'm wasting my time.

Pfft, I need to start making plans. Yes girl, you and your plans!! You used to have lots of it. What happened? I know your family plannings are still there, but what about your career? Just cause the past few paths you decided to follow didn't work out does not mean you should give up.

"If there's a wall in your path, you knock it over" - Captain Haddock, The Adventures of Tintin.

That's a good quote.

Mhm, perhaps I should wake up now. Mom's right. I'm a dreamer and all I do is dream. I guess it's time to take life by it's neck and show em' who's boss! That's right.

Let's start by working out a plan. Even if it's a short term plan, we'll work it out. *psst, make sure you have backup plans and a backup plan for your backup plan*

Now, to destress myself, let's play a game then a nice warm shower. TOMORROW, WE PLAN!

Nov 5, 2011

You Can Change The World.

Let's do our part in saving the world

Help me share this around please. This is an awareness campaign to help fight against hunger. Would be awesome if you guys could help me spread the word and share a minute or two to like this page. Please and thank you

Food is a luxury. Not everyone have these kind of luxury.

Nov 2, 2011


Face it.

Some things are just not meant to be. No matter how much you wish for it to be.


Love. It doesn't always have to be between lovers. Just saying. But love is a raw feeling that will be refined in time. All it needs is a little TLC. Love. Sometimes, I just wish there would be ONE person in life who would never give up on me. Someone who will always love me no matter how many times I screw up. No matter how embarrassing I may be. Sometimes, I just wish that there would be ONE person who will LOVE ME FOR WHO I AM.

Perhaps one day, I shall be able to find love in the most hopeless place. Perhaps one day, I might not even care anymore.