Feb 16, 2012

The Last Goodbye :) && Thank You

Dear S,
It's been almost 2 years now. I'm glad to let you know that I've been doing really well. Life's been treating me good and I've been rising up to the top bit by bit. I just wanted to let you know that I've survived the fall from when you pushed me down into the supposedly never-ending pitch black hole.

I do think about you often. I really do. You are a part of me, that will always be a fact. There are times that I'll look back and think about all the what if's && that's when I am about to start missing you. But guess what, every time that I do, I then recall all the mean things you've said to me. All the hurtful actions you deliberately do unto me. I recall all the empty promises you made and broken all the trust I have given you. You put a knife in my back. You tore me apart into a thousand pieces and TODAY, I HAVE PUT MYSELF BACK TOGETHER AGAIN.

I'm sorry to disappoint you but I am not Humpty-Dumpty. && you were right. I am a strong girl after all. So thank you! Thank you for making me stronger than I ever was. Thank you for letting me fall because now I know where to step and where not to. Thank you for giving me the wake up call I needed cause now I know I deserve so much better than you could ever be. Yes, THANK YOU.

Therefore, I would love to dedicate this song to you. The one that once meant the world to me. The one that built me up then tore me down. The one that is in the LOSING END after all :)
Cheerios, ex-boyfriend.

p/s: If you do read this, don't bother smirking and doing that reverse-psycho shit cause honestly, you can say or think whatever. But this dedication is as a last goodbye.

The best thing you never had.

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