May 4, 2009

I'd Kill You, BUT, Revenge Is Sweeter

After all the pain you've put me through,
Honey I should have put a bullet through your head.
It's not because I'm mean,
It's not because I'm cold.
It's because you turned me into someone I don't know.
I won't hurt you,
I won't kill you.
Baby, I'd let someone do my dirty job.
&& soon enough you will see,
That no one was better for you than me.
Sadly there is no turning back,
Cause' my hearthas gone through cracks.
I'll take it all && keep it in,
& soon enough it you i'll see.
On your knees with pleading eyes,
Cut the crap, it's no disguise.
She'll break your heart for me, you see.
Unknowingly she's done the job for me.
And when you're down in agony,
I'll be here in victory.
One sentence for you that's all I'll say,
REVENGE is sweeter than you ever were to be.

You never realized how much you've made me go through. But maybe it's time you get a taste of your own medicine. When she dump you, baby don't come crawling back to me. Just cause you realize that I was the one whom gave the world for you doesn't mean that it's not too late. How cruel you were to me, that I can never forget. Because when I gave you my heart, you threw it away. I'm happy that you're in pain. I'm happy that soon enough you will see how much you have NOT given to me.

xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.

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