May 26, 2009

Shut Down & Restart (:

I've been going through a hell of a time. My curiosity towards WHY I am treated the way I was is like a virus. No! it's like a Disease. A CRONIC Disease. Ones who's killing you softly and silently. lol -dramatic much. But heck, naim's been listening to me cry lately. && true to what he said. That jackass is consuming me and I don't like it! Therefore, it's time to shut the hell down. Shut this freakin' feelings down && restart my rockin' life. I'll show you! I'll prove to you that I can be as happy as I was before you. In fact, I'll show you how much BETTER it is without you here!

Gahhh, toodles loser! <3

xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.

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