Oct 27, 2009

Wedding (:

Suzanne's wedding ceremony that morning was fun and cool. I couldnt get hold of any photoes but it only means we're having too much fun to take pictures. The groom and his "brothers" have to complete a few task given by us, "sisters". The first task was that they had to pole dance outside the door. When they're in, they had to do pumping as they try to reach and eat the biscuit. The third task was to eat mini buns with chilli padi followed by drinking milk with 3 raw eggs in it. Lastly, they had to blow up 3 condoms as balloons and shout out loud, "SUZZANE I LOVE YOU!".
That's pretty much it as it was followed by the tea ceremony and stuffs.

xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.

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