Oct 9, 2009

10 Things I Can Summarize About The Opposite Sex!

There is nothing much I can decode from the way the male species acts but according to my heart, soul and mind, based on expereince, there are only 10 things that I can summarize about them.

1) They're interested, but not for long.
Many of them are drawn to you for very wrong reasons. They're interested in the idea of you but they can never really stay interested for long. Eventually when time passes, they'll just leave you for another.

2) They sugarcoat ever situation/sentence, but it never brings meaning.
This is their weapon. They can always say the sweetest thing or the greatest idea. But words are just words. To them, it's nothing more than that.

3)They make sweet promises, but never seem to keep it.
There are many kinds of promises that they make to you. May it be "I promise I'll love you forever" to " I swear I will be there for you every moment". But when its time for the promise to take place, it's always broken.

4)They build you up, but they'll tear you right back down. (oh joy)
They are there when you just encountered what you thought was the worst situations in you life. They become the shoulder to cry on and the place for refuge. And when you start feeling comfortable and start seeing the light, you'll open up by letting your guard down, and THEY will be the ones that is going to tear you down.

5)They're there for the good, but gone for the bad.
In times of happiness, they are more than willing to share your happiness, but when things go bad, and you start to fall, you will fall HARD because they will never be there to catch you.

6)They always try, but there's no effort.
They try to make you happy, they try to spend time with you but there is no effort. They never make time for you nor will they ever give up a moment of DOTA for a moment of your beautiful smile.

7) They respect you, but turn around and bring you down.
When respect is in concern, they say they give you full of it. Respecting your choices and decisions, but eventually they'll always take charge and tries to control you. If they respect you, why do they still keep trying to hold you even when you push them away?

8) They lead you on, but there's no hope.
They flirt with you, and gives you the idea that there is a possibility. They never turn you down nor will they make you feel rejected. But somehow, there was never hope cause all they want is the attention and love you are giving as they are not willing to return your love.

9) They are good friend, but not good enough.
There is no pun to this. Guys are good friends, great indeed. But they're not good enough. When you go through bad times, they just don't understand nor get the idea of what you're going through. And if you ever cry to let it out, they'll just panic.

10) They are an amazing idea to a happy life, but they BREAK MY HEART!
Enough said.

xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.

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