Dec 21, 2009

Going Nuts

Why must everyone acts as if they own me? Gosh, why can't they get a life?!?! I may understand that my life is a lot more spicier and more interesting but heck! LEAVE ME ALONE!!! && YESI am a self harming bitch who enjoys inflicting pain upon herself. WHAT CARE YOU!?! You people MADE me this way!!!

xoxo, ever glaring with FIRE within,
Virginie Laurency.

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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

V, they might have made you this way but you are the one who is staying this why. Why won't you change? Stop blaming others and take control of your life. I thought you were over this and you were happy?

Listen, just some advice for you, but it's up to you wether you want to follow it or not.

1. decide you want to stop, making sure you are the main reason and not anyone else
2. make a list of people that you can call if you need them either friends or family.
3. try and be positive.
4. try and reduce the stress in your life that will help to reduce the wanting to self harm

care bear, syari :3