Dec 8, 2009

Period Talking

For a few weeks, I've been really really emo. I thought it was my period talking. You know, when it's coming to THAT week of the month? Basically we'll have our PMS before our period && yes people. PMS IS DIFFERENT FROM PERIOD. They are NOT THE SAME THING! pergh, which part of PRE-menstrual do you not understand? Anyways yea, different people have different symptoms. Some get backaches, some gets massive cramps, some turns into an eating machine. I consider myself very luck. I don't get massive pains or cramps so there's definitely no pain for me to undergo. && I don't get into my eating mood thats gonne leave me all fatty fat fat at the end of my period days. So yeah, lucky girl I am. Really lucky (: But of course, I still have pms and my symptoms, to me, is the most dangerous symptoms of all. Haha, BLASTING TEMPER && CRAZY MOOD SWINGS! So yes! I can be all chirpy and happy at one point and the very next moment i'm breaking down, creating my very own tsunami. Otherwise I'd just be a bubbling volcano, full of hot air. Lol, don't say I didn't warn ya. I'm one hot headed lil lady.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that all these while, I've been all sad and down. So fed up with life, I thought my hormones is driving me nuts. But it seems that I was wrong. It's not hornonal drives, it's definitely not my menstrual speaking. I guess my heart is speaking to my mind. && so it seems, I'm not happy. I'm not jolly, even on this nearing festive season. Somethings disturbing me and I don't like it. BUT!! I want it to stay. I don't want it to go.

I'm WEIRD, I know! So SUE ME!

xoxo, ever yours,
Virginie Laurency.

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